Mary Wagstaff
Loves the Hollywood Bowl
Vegan before dark
Believes anything is possible
Nadia Al-Amir
Senior Managing Partner
Rosé days are good days
Raised on Tito’s Tacos
In perpetual pursuit of hygge (it’s a Danish thing)
Maïté Conway
Managing Partner
Contemplating ultra-marathons as next hobby
Sweet tooth
Andrea Jackson Ott
Managing Director
Eternal Optimist
Pie Baker
Curious Thinker
Vanessa Kanegai
Vice President
Arbiter of fashion
Plans for next far-flung trip daily
Always has a boba tea close at hand
Trisha Cole
Vice President
Early morning runner
Co-pilot of a ’71 VW Bus
Discriminating latte enthusiast
Kelsey Jo Beniasch
Managing Director
Weekend road tripper
Northwesterner at heart
Meghan Patke
Vice President
Types about…oh…150 words a minute
PR spirit guide on all things Southeast Asia
Favorite word: fernweh (n.)—an ache for distant places
Chip Bouchard Vassil
Managing Director and Partner
Never met a baguette he didn’t like
Always inquisitive
History nerd
Carissa Remitz
Vice President
Daredevil on a scooter
Amateur artist
Roast chicken conqueror
Jessica Rodriguez
Managing Director and Partner
Lover of the Amtrak Quiet Car
Happiness is oysters and bubbles
Likes pie, not cake
Heather Barbod
Vice President
Instagrammer of beautiful food
Adventurer who sometimes jumps off bridges
Keelin Czellecz Marcoux
Vice President
Early riser
Cultivates a green thumb
Pop culture aficionado
Marla McLaughlin
Executive Director
Loves ballpark nachos
Can’t watch scary movies
Eats black licorice for breakfast
Brigid Finley
Executive Director
Foster dog mama
Gary Knight
Vice President
Cat lover
Philly sports fan
Lisa Hollinger
Managing Director and Partner
Wakes to bobcats on her porch
Likes a story in her songs
Little Dom’s every weekend
Bernadette Marko
Executive Director
Animal lover to the nth degree
Always sings the harmony
Inspired by nature
David Spiegelman
Vice President and Creative Director, Wagstaff Digital
Photographs his food
Prefers mountains over the beach
Runs with wolves
Amanda Hathaway
Executive Director
Iris Apfel wannabe
Speaks bartender
Will travel for whisky
Ernst Flach
Regional Director, Americas
Bewildered Dad
Lover of road trips set to bad music
Fan of dodgy street food
Noah Champion Buck
Executive Director, Social Media
Loves people
Lives for summer
Never stops singing
Juliana Pesavento
Executive Director
Former vegetarian
Night owl
Hip hop backup dancer wannabe